Hello, my name is

Tommaso Orlandi.

I am studying to become a web developer

From philosophy to brewing, it's now time to code.

About me

me with my bike

I began studying coding in 2020, as a hobby. I started initally with CS50 "Introduction to computer science", a free online course by Harvard University. I am not going to lie: I found it exremely hard and frustrating. One thing I really like though: the mental challenge and the huge satisfaction when you see your code working.

Now let's take one step back: before I started to work in hospitality (and then in the beer industry) I studied philosophy at uni. There is one thing I realized I really miss from those years and it' s the active thinking, the mental effort. Coding provides me that, in huge doses I' d say. That's why I like it.

Why would I like to be a web developer then? I' d like to be a web developer because I love challenges, but also because it seems to me so multidisciplinary, so versatile. Who doesn't need a website nowadays??

Now I' m ready to finally say that, after two years of playing around, I' m ready to fully commit to this world!

My projects
